Saturday, January 17, 2009

Stonehaven GC award

honorary life

membership to

Willie Donald

Willie Donald, who joined the club in 1952, has been awarded honorary life membership of Stonehaven Golf Club for all the work he has done for the club over the years.
Willie officially retired as club secretary/manager at the club's annual general meeting this week.
Morag Duncan took over as club manager last November but Willie worked on to complete the annual accounts for the AGM.
He had been in the post since 1996 and he's been serving on the North-east District of the Scottish Golf Union committee for 14 years. He is in his second year as president.
"It's not an honour the club grants often and, unusually, his late father, also Willie Donald, was also given honorary life membership in recognition of his services to the club," said club captain Harry Roulston.
"We think old man Donald joined Stonehaven GC just before World War II so the family connection has been quite long.
"Willie has been a tremendous servant to our club and, when he was given his honorary life membership, he received a standing ovation from the largest turn-out we've had at an AGM for many years.
"Willie knows more about the intricacies and history of Stonehaven GC than anyone else and we're lucky that he'll still be around for us to pick his brains when necessary."
Willie Donald (66) went to Mackie Academy and then Aberdeen University where he graduated with a degree in electrical engineering in 1964. He worked for a while with the South of Scotland Electricity Board (now Scottish Power) in central Scotland before joining the Ben Line in 1978 as a ship's engineer.
He travelled the world in a variety of ships, sailing out through the Panama Canal and returning via Cape Town, visiting the Great Lakes in North America and just about all parts of the Far East.
He retired in 1991 and returned to Stonehaven, becoming competitions convener at the club the following year. In 1996, he took over as secretary/manager. He remains a keen golfer, playing currently off a handicap of eight.
+Picture of Willie Donald (above) by courtesy of Sandy Walker, vice-captain of Stonehaven Golf Club.



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