Friday, December 08, 2017

Is this USA public course with three, six, nine and 18-hole loops the way that golf must go?

      Arlington Lakes, an innovative public golf course in Illinois

Scotland is, quite  rightly, proud of its status of being the "Home of Golf" but, as a golfing nation, are we too set in our ways?
I think that if golf were "invented" in 2017-2018 it would be a nine-hole game because 18 holes can take so long to play and, unless you are retired, people don't have the spare time they might have in days gone by for a sporting pursuit.
The R and A, in the last year or two, have been pushing the idea of nine-hole golf and organising such an annual event.
To get to the point, I stumbled this week upon a very interesting article on the American Society of Golf Course Architects' website.
It highlighted the fact that in the state of Illinois at Arlington Heights there is a trail-blazing club/course that is perhaps the way that golf must go to retain its popularity with the public.
I quote from the website:

Arlington Lakes Golf Club, is a 5,400-yard public course designed for a niche market of juniors, seniors and newer players ... providing golfers with the option of playing three-hole, six-hole, nine-hole and 18-hole loops.

In the post-World War II era the R and A encouraged more and more golf courses - the 18-hole variety - to be built.
Fast forward to 2017 going into 2018 and perhaps the R and A should be using its influence to persuade developers to build courses such as they have at Arlington Lakes.

What do you think?

Email with your view ... if you have the time!



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