Friday, October 01, 2010

E-mail from David Hillson

With reference to Neil McAllister's E-mail (scroll down a page or two to read it and a bit more to read Gavin Dear's original message on the subject):

It is important that the views of Gavin Dear and Neil McAllister are taken seriously and that speedy action is taken to address the chronic hodgepodge that is Scottish golf. Gavin and Neil also deserve our thanks for being brave enough to put their heads above the parapet in their analysis of what is wrong and suggestions for action.
Having had, over the last few tears, the advantage of talking candidly with many of our top amateurs and young tour professionals (as well as their parents and coaches), I know that these frustrations are widely held. I also know that, despite various reports, reviews and (sometimes costly) projects (some well-meaning and even successful within their limited ambitions) nothing has really changed.

Of course, becoming a top amateur and tour pro is never going to be easy. All the more reason for the 'Home of Golf' to get its act together, to find strong leadership, to put aside narrow interests, to listen to our top players and those who support them, and to put in place the competitive and support environment (including a national mini-tour) in which excellence is more likely to thrive.

E-mail from Franco Hennigan
Let's face it, the fact is that over the years there have been many good golfers in Scotland. Some of them turned pro and had a go to make it on to the Euopean Tour,the only tour where one can win a lot of money.
Others joined the Professional Golfers Association and worked their way to qualification and perhaps to playing for money.
Good examples would be Raymond Russell and David Drysdale.
Others got jobs or careers outwith golf. The problem now seems to be that we have a number of players who have been funded athletes who are looking to play golf full-time.
The PGA Scottish Region is part of the PGA. The PGA runs events for its members, using their money and some sponsorship. There are rules and regulations about becoming a member of that Professional Association.
The Golfers Alliance movement was started to help provide PGA club professionals with competition (and income) throughout the winter period, and to build bridges with local golf club members.
Golf is a selfish game. The simple solution for those who don't make the grade as tour players is to get a job, within or without the world of golf.



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